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Competitive Intelligence Magazine
Read these actionable Competitive Intelligence-related articles and learn from our experience.
Persona Intelligence Analysis Is a Must-Have for Sales Teams
Sales teams often focus on features and pricing, but the real difference is human connection. Relationships win deals. A Persona...
3 Ways to Build a Competitive Intelligence Culture in Your Organization: Vision, People, Processes
You know a strong Competitive Intelligence (CI) culture is a must, but with so many tasks on your plate, CI needs to be easy to manage...
When to Outsource Competitive Intelligence in Medium and Large Companies
Competitive intelligence is pivotal in strategic decision-making for medium and large companies, enabling them to stay ahead in dynamic...
Beyond the Usual Suspects: Recognizing and Strategizing Against Unseen Competition
Executives often believe that they have a good understanding of their competitors. They closely analyze the major players in their...
How to Utilize Competitive Intelligence for SaaS Companies
In today's dynamic market, competitive intelligence (CI) is no longer a luxury but a lifeline. However, how SaaS businesses leverage CI...
Leveraging HUMINT in M&A Due Diligence Processes
M&A review assesses the target company's tech, people, and operations. The customer reviews part of it is important to assess potential...
5 Advanced Tips for Startup Companies to Effectively Leverage Competitive Intelligence
In a fiercely competitive startup world, possessing a distinct edge can distinguish between meteoric success and fading into the background.
Elevating Marketing Strategy Planning with Competitive Intelligence
In each component of a marketing strategy plan (segmentation, messaging, channels, measurement, etc.), effective competitive intelligence...
Tips for Harnessing the Power of Big Data Analytics in Competitive Intelligence
Leverage big data by tracking sales cycle and win-loss performance. Use advanced analytics techniques and foster collaboration with CI.
Ethics in Competitive Intelligence: Balancing Information Gathering and Corporate Responsibility
As organizations delve deeper into the realm of CI, ethical considerations become increasingly important.
Well, It Is Artificial After All: AI Cannot Replace Human Intelligence When Analyzing Competitors
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, Competitive Intelligence (CI) plays an instrumental role in helping businesses gain the...
From Supporting CI to Decision-making CI
Over the years, Competitive Intelligence has evolved significantly, and we have witnessed several changes in how it is used to support...
5 Competitive intelligence Trends Spotted in 2023
Competitive intelligence is no longer just about gathering and analyzing the right information about competitors' products, services,...
How to Use a Vendors Perception Survey as a Competitive Intelligence Tool
A survey of customer perceptions of different vendors in the market is a tool that is used to gather feedback from customers about their...
How To Master a Conversation Aimed to Extract Competitive Intelligence
As an analyst or a marketer, there are times when you meet an executive who might be a great source of intelligence about your...
Turning Competitive Intelligence Into Actionable Recommendations
The gold standard of research information is competitive intelligence, without a doubt. It is what you do with it, however, that makes...
Measuring the Effectiveness of Competitive Intelligence
You’ve been gathering data about competitors for months, maybe even years, and yet it seems like no matter what you are doing, you can’t...
Most Product Marketing teams believe they know their competitors. They don’t.
As a Product Marketer, you know it’s all about improving the product, providing a better customer experience, and increasing adoption and...
Trade Shows as a Source of Competitive Intelligence
A gathering of several thousand people strolling through a vast exposition hall would have been considered a crazy idea. This year, as we...
The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Competitive Intelligence Function Using Existing Team - Part 2
<< This is the 2nd part of an article that aims to guide you through the process of executing a plan of that sort. Read Part 1 here. >>...
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